Cómo saber si alguien más está usando mi cuenta de Netflix

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How to know if someone else is using my Netflix account

Netflix does not oppose you behave your account with whoever you want, whether family or friends. The problem you can have, if after giving the username and password to so many people you do not even know who is inside. Also, with the rise of piracy, What if there is someone unwanted that is using it and you do not know of its existence? For all this there is a solution. With a few steps you can leave doubts and know how many people are in your Netflix account.

The first thing you have to do is enter the platform and select the profile icon (located in the upper right corner). Once you do, go to the “Account” section. When you are inside you will see several options: Membership and billing, Plan information, configuration or profile. In “Settings” access to “recent device streaming activity”. If you open it, you can have a list with all the devices that have accessed your account, with the location, time of access or IP of all of them.


In case you want to deactivate access to unknown users or computers, or those that you no longer want to enter your account, select the option “Close session on all devices”, also within the Configuration section. This deactivation method disconnects all devices that are currently connected to your Netflix account. It may take up to 8 hours to apply. Keep in mind that this method will also eliminate the location data associated with your devices. Therefore, do not deactivate your devices in this way if they have stolen one.

Netflix account

In any case, we recommend that once you leave your account those accesses that you do not want to have already change your password for greater security. To do this, enter into account, within the icon of your profile, and go to “Change password” within “Membership and billing.”

Other news about … Netflix, streaming

Publicado en TuExperto el
2019-01-24 15:00:59

Arantxa Asián

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