Facebook will present its Libra cryptocurrency next week

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Facebook will present its Libra cryptocurrency next week

It will be called Libra and it will be the new cryptocurrency of Facebook. How do you read it? The social network of Mark Zuckerberg has proposed many things in recent years, but undoubtedly one of the most risky has been the creation of its own cryptocurrency.

Actually this adventure takes more than a year to develop. Or at least, more than a year ago we know that Facebook has the firm intention to get on the cryptocurrency train. But, what is all this about? What really wants to present us Facebook with Libra is a new payment system, which is based on a stablecoin.

And what is this ?, you ask. Well, this is nothing more than a platform, whose purpose is to avoid the instability of other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin.

cryptocurrency "width =" 1200 "height =" 800 "srcset =" https://www.tuexperto.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/criptomoneda-01.jpg 1200w, https: //www.tuexperto. com / wp-content / uploads / 2019/06 / criptomoneda-01-600x400.jpg 600w, https://www.tuexperto.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/criptomoneda-01-768x512.jpg 768w, https://www.tuexperto.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/criptomoneda-01-1080x720.jpg 1080w "sizes =" (max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px "/></p><h2>What is Libra and what will it do?</h2><p>Beware of Libra, which promises to make a very important space in this of payments online. What Facebook really wants to create is <strong>a platform called Libra Association</strong>, which in reality will be a consortium made up of large companies. In this we can logically find Facebook, but also Visa, Mastercard, PayPal or even Uber, who also wanted to sign up for the business.</p><p>Your alliance with different financial companies and other investors <strong>has to serve Facebook to get a good position in the market</strong>. In total, this conglomerate of companies is expected to invest about ten million dollars to create the famous Libra cryptocurrency.</p><p>In fact, the more companies and powerful organizations that garlic enters, the more likely Libra will persist and grow bigger over time. <strong>The presentation will take place next week</strong>, but is not expected to be available for transactions until well into 2020, according to The Wall Street Journal.</p><p>The development of Libra, which is run by Facebook, <strong>it runs under the direction of the former Messenger director and former president of PayPal</strong>, David Marcus.</p><p><img data-lazyloaded=

Publicado en TuExperto el
2019-06-14 05:49:57

Cecilia Hill

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